Nice to meet ya! My name is:
hover over my name!
click my name!
I'm a UX designer, but also --
A nerdy artist who likes cooking and dreaming
I like learning new things, particularly philosophy because it always reminds me
I know nothing about anything
I draw since I was 2 and drawing makes my soul intact and colorful
cooking is the second creativity outlet for me!
I dream every single night and it's like the second life I'm living
Why not get to know a little bit more about me
before looking at my projects?
More About me
About My Name
why it sounds like a non-English name?

About inspiration
How you normally get creative ideas?
About Some Deep Stuff
What's your life philosophy?
About My Secret Talent
Go ahead and impress me!
That's because I am Chinese!
My cultural identity is also expressed through personal logo: The dragon shape indicates a very typical Chinese symbol representing wisdom, power, and good luck.
Talking to myself in my head and overthinking everything in my daily life! Not to be anti-social but to me solitude is THE best way to get into creative mood.
I like to reflect on my life a lot, but obviously I'm too young too naive to come up with something original in this matter. However I really love the saying "You Win or You Learn"!
I can laugh in a very peculiar way that sounds like hen clucking!
This trick cracks people up every single time. I'd love to show it to you if we meet!
My Projects

Adventure game with AI
website design

Role: website developer
Time: 2023 fall
Interval: 3 weeks
Goal: explore storytelling skills with AI

Check out the Case Study

Role: UX researcher, UX & UI designer
Time: 2023 winter
Interval: 2 months
Goal: re-tailoring an AI search engine toward data scientists

Perplexity AI
ux/ui re-design

Check out the Case Study

Bereal app
ux/ui redesign

Role: UX & UI designer
Time: 2022 fall
Interval: 3 months
Goal: improving ux experience for existent Bereal users

Check out the Case Study

Pepper Spray
product redesign

Role: user researcher, product design
Time: 2023 spring
Interval: 3 months
Goal: improving ux experience for existent Bereal users

Check out the Case Study

Art Works on the Side

Dark, mysterious, surreal, and abstract style is my cup of tea!

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